Proksch, S. (June 2024). Coordination dynamics in crowds and musical ensembles. Talk presented at the 8th Annual Eastern South Dakota Research Symposium, Sanford Center, Sioux Falls SD, USA.
Proksch, S. (April 2024). AI As a tool in the psychological sciences. Talk presented at an AI@AU Panel in collaboration with the Center for Excellence in Teaching and Scholarship, Augustana University, Sioux Falls SD, USA. Video link.
Proksch, S. (October 2021). Acoustic social worlds: from Markov blankets to interpersonal synergies. Rising star keynote talk presented at Cognitio 2021: Active inference and collective intelligence, Université du Québec à Montréal , Canada. Video link.
Proksch, S. (June 2021). Music, movement, and the brain. Guest lecture for high school students of the Frontiers of Science Institute, University of Northern Colorado, USA.
Proksch, S., Reeves, M., Spivey, M., Balasubramaniam, R., (June 2021). Coordination dynamics of multi-agent human interaction within a musical ensemble. Talk presented at the Research Seminar in Systematic Musicology, Universität Graz, Austria. Video link. Poster link.
Proksch S., (January 2021) Neuroscience, music, & emotion. Guest lecture for undergraduate students of the UNC Wind Bands, University of North Carolina, Charlotte. USA.
Proksch S., (July 2020) Neuroscience and music. Guest lecture for Introduction to Cognitive Science, University of California, Merced. USA.
Carbonneau, X.*, Bell, E.*, Skadsen, J.*, Proksch, S. (April 2024). Neurophysiological time course of timbre-induced music-like perception in report and non-report conditions: a replication and extension of Santoyo et al 2023. Talk presented at Rocky Mountain Psychological Association Conference. Denver, Colorado, USA. *undergraduate student presenters
Proksch, S., Ross, J. M, Comstock, D. C., Backer, K. C., Iversen, J. R., Balasubramaniam, R. (August, 2022). Motor contributions to rhythm perception: a TMS-EEG Study. Talk presented at Society for Music Perception and Cognition. Portland, Oregon, USA.
Proksch, S. (November 2019). Synchrony and the Markov Blankets of Mulit-Agent Human Interaction. Talk presented at Timescales of Life and Mind: Interdisciplinary Conference on Timescales as a Methodological Approach to Predictive Processing and the Free Energy Principle, Edinburgh, Scotland.
Proksch, S. (November 2017). Grounding musical entrainment and social cohesion in sensorimotor contingencies. Talk presented at Worlding the Brain 2017: Affect, Care, Engagement, Amsterdam, Netherlands.
Proksch, S. (August 2017). Interoceptive inference and emotion in music: Integrating the neurofunctional ‘Quartet Theory of Emotion’ with predictive processing in music-related emotional experience. Talk presented at the Mind and Brain Annual Conference, Flint, Michigan. USA.
Novelli, N. & Proksch, S. (April 2017). The limitations of music making machines. Talk presented at the 6th Dubrovnik Conference on the Philosophy of Art, Dubrovnik, Croatia.
Kaur, J., Proksch, S., Balasubramaniam, R. (July 2022). The effect of detuning on interlimb coordination. Poster presented at Neural Control of Movement. Dublin, Ireland.
Proksch, S., Reeves, M., Spivey, M., Balasubramaniam, R. (August 2021). Coordination dynamics of multi-agent human interaction - recurrence quantification analysis of a musical performance. Poster presented at the 16th International Conference on Music Perception and Cognition and 11th triennial conference of the European Society for the Cognitive Sciences of Music. Sheffield, United Kingdom. Video link.
Ross, J. M., Proksch, S., Iversen, J.R., Balasubramaniam, R. (August 2019). Down-regulation of left posterior parietal cortex impairs musical phase shift detection in subjects with good perceptual acuity for phase timing. Poster presented at the Biennial Meeting of the Society for Music Perception and Cognition. New York City, USA.
Ross, J. M., Proksch, S., Iversen, J.R., Balasubramaniam, R. (July 2019). Down-regulation of left posterior parietal cortex impairs musical phase shift detection in subjects with good perceptual acuity for phase timing. Poster presented at Synchrony and Rhythmic Interaction: From Neurons to Ecology Lorentz Workshop, Leiden, Netherlands.
Proksch, S., Booth, L., Dayer, A., Reeves, M., Spivey, M. (June 2019). Online and In Sync? Bodily synchrony & interpersonal closeness in audiovisual communication. Poster presented at American Psychological Association Advanced Training Institute on Nonlinear Methods for Psychological Science, Cincinnati, Ohio.
Ross, J. M., Proksch, S., Iversen, J.R., Balasubramaniam, R. (March 2019). Hemispheric differences in parietal contributions to auditory beat perception. Poster presented at Cognitive Neuroscience Society 2019 Annual Meeting, San Francisco, California.
Proksch, S., Ross, J. M., Balasubramaniam, R. (February 2019). Hemispheric differences in parietal contributions to auditory beat perception. Poster presented at Spring School 2019 Language and Music in Cognition: Integrated Approaches to Cognitive Systems, Cologne, Germany.
Proksch, S. (November 2017). Interoceptive inference and emotion in music: Integrating the neurofunctional ‘Quartet Theory of Emotion’ with predictive processing in music-related emotional experience. Poster presented at Expecting Ourselves: Prediction, Action, and the Embodied Mind, Edinburgh, United Kingdom.
RadioBio GradStory (March 2019)
Interviewed by RadioBio, a graduate student run podcast, during UC Merced’s Research Week
- Interview topic: Rhythms in Brains and Interacting People
UC Merced Cognitive Science Student Association Symposium (December 2018)
Outreach event sharing graduate student cognitive science research with undergraduate students
- Talk title: On Music & Artificial Intelligence: The limitations of music-making machines
Edinburgh Music Psychology Research (EMPRes) reading group (Spring 2017)
Organized and led discussion for three reading group sessions on:
- Introduction to music and predictive processing (Blog Post, Discussion Summary)
- Emotion in music and predictive processing (Blog Post, Discussion Summary)
- Rhythm in music and predictive processing (Blog Post, Discussion Summary)